Increase Shoulder Range of Motion, Stability, and Functionality
Author: Mitch Kramer
This workout focuses on shoulder strength, stability, and mobility. Each superset has a strength-focused exercise paired with a stability or a mobility shoulder exercise. Rest times are set at full rest between sets but limited between exercises. Each superset should start with a heavier weight to increase the strength of the shoulder musculature followed by a lighter weight, band, or plate to focus on the movement, range of motion, and the functionality of shoulder as a whole unit.
Equipment Needed
● Dumbbells
● Barbell
● Bands
● Plates
1 set of 15-20 reps each
Band Dislocations
Band Overhead Pull-Apart
Band Internal Rotations
Band Rows
Band Face Pull
Take 30 seconds rest in between each exercise. Full recovery between supersets.
1A. + 1B. = superset (perform exercise "A," rest 30 seconds, then perform exercise "B."
3 x 10 means 3 sets of 10 reps
1A. Barbell Overhead Shoulder Press -- 4 x 6
1B. Dumbbell Single Arm Overhead Carry -- 4 x 15 yards each arm
2 - 4 minutes rest
2A. Dumbbell Lateral Raises -- 3 x 8
2B. Plate Halos -- 3 x 8 each direction
2 - 4 minutes rest
3A. Dumbbell Rear Delt Fly -- 3 x 8
3B. Banded Archers -- 3 x 8 each direction
2 - 4 minutes rest
4A. Dumbbell Full ROM Front Raise -- 3 x 8
4B. Plate Full Can, Empty Can -- 3 x 6
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